Learn more about BOTOX Cosmetic at The Piazza Center in Austin, TX.

If you’re considering your very first BOTOX® Cosmetic treatment,  it’s likely you have a question or 2 about the popular treatment. After years of working with Austin patients at The Piazza Center, I’ve heard them all (or at least a good chunk of them). Here is a list of the most frequently asked:

How much BOTOX is needed to treat frown lines? It is important to remember that every patient is different.  For frown lines, it can take anywhere from 20-50 units. Crow’s feet can take anywhere from 6-15 units per side. Horizontal forehead wrinkles can take anywhere between 10-25 units to be treated effectively.

What is a ‘unit’ of BOTOX?   I always tell patients that a unit of BOTOX is kind of like a milligram (mg) of ibuprofen.  For example, let’s say you have a headache—some individuals can take 200mg of ibuprofen and the headache goes away.  Others may have to take 800mg of ibuprofen before they have relief from the headache.  BOTOX is similar—some patient’s frown lines respond well with 25 units of BOTOX—whereas others may need closer to 50 units to achieve a pleasing result.  Men typically require more Botox then women.

Will I be left with an unnatural appearance after the procedure?  Contrary to what some may believe, Botox® Cosmetic should not result in a “frozen” look. A skilled BOTOX injector targets only the muscles responsible for the dynamic wrinkles, so you look more youthful while retaining your normal range of expressions. Your injector should strive to give you a natural appearance that looks like you– just refreshed. 

How long will my Botox® Cosmetic results last?  In general, a treatment with Botox® Cosmetic can last 3 to 6 months. Many of my Austin BOTOX patients find that regularly scheduled treatments produce prolonged results, and they are able to go longer between BOTOX appointments.

 Can Botox® Cosmetic be combined with other treatments?  Yes, BOTOX is often combined with surgical treatments such as a face lift in Austin for optimal facial rejuvenation. Also, BOTOX is typically combined with injectable fillers for a non-surgical approach to correcting facial wrinkles and fine lines. During your consultation, I will help you decide if you can benefit from combining BOTOX Cosmetic with other treatments.

Can I exercise after a Botox treatment?   We recommend that you do not exercise vigorously after a Botox treatment as we have placed Botox into specific muscles to get a desired result. Exercise may increase your heart rate and blood pressure and could theoretically cause displacement of the treatment dose from the targeted muscle and make your treatment less effective.  However, you may resume your normal exercise activities the following morning!

Can I wear make-up, sunglasses or reading glasses, and use skin care the same day?  Absolutely.

Have another question about BOTOX? I want to hear it ― share it in a comment below!

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