Revitalize Your Intimate Life with the P-Shot®!

Experience Enhanced Performance and Confidence

At the Piazza Center, Dr. Piazza and his team of highly trained specialists do everything in their power to help you address your cosmetic and health concerns. We have years of experience in performing the P-Shot®, enabling our patients to experience a higher quality of life. 

What is P-Shot®?

The P-Shot® is a non-surgical and minimally invasive medical procedure designed to rejuvenate and enhance male sexual health. Named after the Greek god of virility, Priapus, this treatment involves using a patient's own platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to stimulate tissue regeneration and enhance blood flow in the genital area.


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What are the benefits of P-Shot®?

The P-Shot® offers a range of potential benefits for men experiencing sexual health challenges. These benefits include:

Improved erectile function

The PRP injected during the P-Shot® can stimulate the development of new blood vessels and tissues, potentially leading to improved blood circulation and firmer, more sustainable erections.

Enhanced sensation

Many men report increased sensitivity and improved sexual sensation following the P-Shot®, leading to enhanced pleasure during sexual activities.

Increased girth and length

The regenerative effects of the P-Shot® may contribute to increased penile girth and length, resulting in improved self-confidence and satisfaction.

Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

Men who struggle with mild to moderate erectile dysfunction may find relief through the P-Shot®, as it aims to address underlying factors contributing to ED.

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Who is a candidate for P-Shot®?

The P-Shot® is suitable for men of various ages who are seeking to improve their sexual health and address concerns such as erectile dysfunction, decreased sensation, or dissatisfaction with their sexual performance. Individuals who wish to explore non-invasive options before considering more invasive procedures may find the P-Shot® appealing.

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The P-Shot® procedure is relatively straightforward and typically follows these steps:

Blood collection

A small amount of the patient's blood is drawn from their arm. The blood is then processed in a centrifuge to separate the PRP (platelet-rich plasma) from other components.

PRP preparation

The PRP, which is a serum containing high concentrations of growth factors and regenerative properties, is carefully extracted from the processed blood.

Local anesthetic application

Before the injection, a local anesthetic is applied to the genital area to ensure a comfortable experience.

PRP injection

The PRP is injected into certain areas of the penis, such as the shaft and base. The PRP's growth factors stimulate tissue regeneration and improved blood flow.

Revitalize Your Sexual Health with PRP and Exosomes

Tools we provide:

  • Hand Pump
  • N101 - Nitric Lozenges
  • Exosomes
  • BPC 157 Vitamin (1 month supply)
  • PRP Injection

Total Package Cost:
$1950 (without exosomes)
$2750 (with exosomes) 

In the realm of sexual health, Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) and Exosomes are powerful tools for rejuvenation and enhancement. What sets us apart is our utilization of proprietary Exosome growth factors alongside PRP. These Exosomes, packed with regenerative potential, amplify the benefits of PRP, promoting tissue repair, increased sensitivity, and improved sexual function. Together, PRP and Exosomes offer a comprehensive approach to revitalizing sexual health, providing our patients with the best possible outcomes and a renewed sense of vitality.

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Recovery process

One of the significant advantages of the P-Shot® is its minimal downtime. After the procedure, patients are usually able to resume their regular activities on the same day. It is normal for some mild swelling, bruising, or discomfort to occur, but these side effects are usually temporary and resolve after a few days.


Why choose Piazza?

Dr. Piazza and the entire team at The Piazza Center in Austin, Texas, have earned a remarkable reputation for delivering exceptional results and unmatched patient care. Individuals from both the local Austin community and across the nation hold The Piazza Center in high regard due to Dr. Piazza and his team's commitment to building strong patient relationships.

At The Piazza Center, a meticulous approach is taken to track the outcomes of each procedure, allowing continuous refinement and improvement to better serve their patients. To explore the potential benefits of a P-Shot® treatment for yourself, take the first step by contacting The Piazza Center and scheduling a consultation today.

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