“I want to look natural but refreshed.”

“I want to look good for my age but not over done.”

“I have lost facial volume over the years but I am nervous I will look puffy”

“I have done dermal fillers in the past and I would like to find something that lasts longer but I am not ready for surgery.”

Sound familiar? These are some common statements I hear from Austin, TX patients that lead us to talk about Sculptra. What is Sculptra? Well, I am glad you asked.

The Science of Sculptra

I personally believe Sculptra is one of the most under-utilized facial rejuvenation products out there. Many confuse it for a filler. The truth is Sculptra is made from poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) and is an FDA-approved injectable that stimulates the body’s natural production of collagen over time. Sculptra is commonly used to address the underlying cause of aging and correct mild to severe facial wrinkles. Its is a beautiful and effective way to stimulate collagen production globally to the face whereas fillers traditionally treat localized areas.

Unlike traditional collagen stimulators that are used topically and are too large to penetrate the dermis, Sculptra works within the deep dermis to revitalize collagen production. As the PLLA microparticles are absorbed, collagen strands are gradually rebuilt restoring facial volume and softening existing folds and wrinkles.

Your Sculptra Results

We didn’t age overnight, so why anti-age overnight?

On average, three injection sessions over a few months are necessary to achieve desired fullness. Make sure to do your research when finding your provider. Sculptra requires advanced technique and a great understanding of the anatomy in order to determine the amount of lost facial volume and how many sessions will be needed.

After your initial series of treatments, traditionally, you see results in 3 months and don’t have to retreat for 2 years! On average, patients return annually beginning 2 years after the initial series to continue collagen stimulation.

Is it Right for You?

Sculptra gradually replaces lost collagen, which is an underlying cause of facial aging, providing natural, youthful-looking results.

Sculptra might be appropriate for you if you’re experiencing these concerns:

  • Smile or marionette folds or lines
  • Chin wrinkles
  • Volume loss associated with aging
  • Temples that are starting to hollow out
  • Development of jowls

You might be an ideal candidate if you are willing to wait for results and are OK with multiple treatment sessions.

Sculptra FAQs

Q: How much downtime is involved?

You will not require much, if any, downtime. Many individuals return to work the following day, but if swelling and bruising are a concern, one to three days is typically plenty of time. It is common to receive injections on a Friday and return to work on Monday. You may return to activity immediately.

Q: What can I expect during recovery?

I encourage the “Rule of 5” to help guide the recovery process: a 5 minute massage to the injected areas 5 times a day for 5 days. The massages help stimulate a stronger initial collagen response and provide an even result. After 5 days, much of the initial volume will disappear as the water and lidocaine of the injections are absorbed by the body. You will return to the office for secondary treatment 4 to 6 weeks later.

Q: Will I experience discomfort?

On and scale of 1 to 10, most of my clients rate it about a 3, stating some tolerable pressure throughout the injection. Both lidocaine and a topical numbing cream are used prior to injection to add to your comfort.

Q: How much does Sculptra cost?

On average your initial series will cost $2,400 to $4,000, whereas maintenance treatments cost $800 to $1,600.

Sculptra results at The Piazza Center

Contact us or call for your complimentary Austin, TX dermal filler consultation with advanced nurse injector Hayley Pena, RN, CPSN at (512) 288-8200. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

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