Short-Scar Breast Augmentation Mastopexy (Lift) Surgery & Recovery

One of the biggest complaints that I hear from women that come to see me for a breast surgery consultation is that their breasts are too droopy.  “Droopy”or “saggy” is a common descriptor we hear at The Piazza Center and it has many causes:  childbearing, breast-feeding, weight loss, genetics.  The medical term is “ptosis” and has different classifications. Sometimes a saggy or deflated breast can be significantly improved or reversed with a breast augmentation and no breast lift.  However, for all other women, breast enhancement to improve the shape and volume of the breast can be best performed with a breast implant and/or fat transfer with the addition of a short-scar breast lift procedure.

The breast is approached by first creating a pocket for the breast implant.  I use silicone gel breast implant sizers, which are the exact dimensions and characteristics of the breast implants that I have selected with you to first determine what exact volume will give you your desired result.  Following this, I shape the breast tissue using the short-scar breast lift technique to optimize the position of the nipple, often reducing the size of the areola and removing the unwanted saggy tissue on the bottom of the breast.  Occasionally, fat transfer is utilized to further enhance the shape of the breast or cleavage area when needed.  This procedure takes between 2 to 3 hours and all the incisions are closed with dissolvable sutures below the skin. There will be small white steri-strips on the breast incisions.  The patient will be placed in a soft bra. There are no drains for this procedure and you can shower the very next day.

During the first few days after short-scar breast augmentation mastopexy procedure you will experience some breast discomfort and pressure. Most patients discomfort will be controlled with medications that focus on pain and on muscle or chest tightness.  Most patients will return to work 1 week after the procedure and are back to full activities without restrictions after 6 weeks. Bruising around the breast in the areas where the lift or fat transfer was performed which usually resolve by 2 weeks.  Restoring the droop to the breast improves self-confidence.  Request a consultation today with our Patient Consultant to see if this procedure is right for you.

Short-Scar Breast Augmentation Mastopexy (Lift) at a Glance

Goal: Enhance the appearance of the breast that have occurred related to time, weight loss or pregnancy. This is done through enhancing the shape and volume of the breast with a breast implant and/or fat transfer with the addition of a short-scar breast lift procedure.

Procedure: The breast is approached by first creating a pocket for the breast implant.  Dr. Piazza utilizes sizers which are the exact dimensions and characteristics of the breast implants he has selected with you- to first determine what exact volume will give the patient their desired result with regard to volume.  He then shapes the breast tissue using the short-scar breast lift technique to optimize the position of the nipple, often reducing the size of the areola and removing the unwanted saggy tissue on the bottom of the breast.  Occasionally, fat transfer is utilized to further enhance the shape of the breast or cleavage area when needed.

Anesthesia: General anesthesia.

Procedure Length: The procedure takes between 2 to 3 hours.

After procedure: There will be small white steri-strips on the breast incisions.  The patient will be placed in a soft bra. There are no drains for this procedure. Dr. Piazza does not want his patients applying ice to the breasts and he encourages his patients to shower on Day #1 after surgery.

Recovery: During the first few days after short-scar breast augmentation mastopexy procedure the patient will experience some breast discomfort and pressure. Most patients will be controlled with medications that focus on pain and on muscle or chest tightness.  Most patients will return to work 1 week after the procedure and are back to full activities without restrictions after 6 weeks. Bruising around the breast in the areas where the lift or fat transfer was performed which usually resolve by 2 weeks.

Timeline after Short-Scar Breast Augmentation Mastopexy Surgery


  • Surgery
  • 80% HEALED: 6 weeks
  • 100% HEALED: 3 months

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